Jenny Chan 陈詠欣

07 November 2023 L’Oreal’s Janet Neo, Chief Sustainability Officer for North Asia and China, speaks to WARC’s Jenny Chan about how the company is embracing sustainable supply chains, the circular economy and overcoming the ‘say-do’ gap. Janet Neo, Chief Sustainability Officer for North Asia and China, L’Oreal
07 November 2023 As part of WARC Marketer’s Toolkit, Leila Li – Managing Director, Global Media & Brand Partnership, at Chinese smartphone brand Honor – spoke to WARC’s Jenny Chan about the importance of category innovation, AI-led creativity and scaling up in sponsorship. Leila Li, Managing Director, Global Media & Brand Partnership, Honor
07 November 2023 In an exclusive interview for WARC’s Marketer’s Toolkit, MJ Wang – Chief Marketing Officer at Catlink, a scale-up pet care brand – speaks to WARC’s Jenny Chan about innovation in petcare, sustainability and demographic cross-overs in wellness. MJ Wang, Chief Marketing Officer, Catlink
02 November 2023 It is worth looking at how the relationship with luxury is changing in China as this will, in some part, determine the digital investments and media channels that will be most important for the immediate future.
09 March 2023 Pin hopes on meaningful consumption and not 'revenge spending' on big-ticket items, as high savings rates in China could represent a hedge against uncertainty vs. pent-up demand.
05 January 2023 On December 30, 2022, Jidu Automobile's first intelligent new energy vehicle ROBO-01 positioned as an "automotive robot" officially debuted at the 2022 Guangzhou Auto Show. This car robot start-up company invested by Baidu and Geely Holding Group is born with a degree of topicality. With the development of China's Smart Electric Vehicle (Smart Electric Vehicle), the ecology of car companies, user needs, car attributes, and technical architecture are all facing changes. If you have the spirit of the times to stand up to the tide, you can rewrite the marketing script. It is reported that the first concept car ROBO-01 at the "animation conference" that will be delivered in 2023 will follow the marketing methods of new car manufacturers
04 January 2023 Judging from the collapse of domestic traditional footwear giants, one of the reasons for their fall is to focus on channels and ignore consumers. In this context, how the brand positioning of women's shoes can keep up with the demands of today's consumers is an opportunity to find a new way for the non-sports women's footwear market. Through an exclusive interview with Derek Duan, general manager of Ms. Bao and Mr. Shoe business department and general manager of the strategic planning department, WARC has a glimpse of the leopard, hoping to find inspiration and benefit other companies.
08 November 2022 As part of WARC’s Marketers Toolkit 2023, Amy Imbriaco, General Manager for Greater China at Tumi, spoke with WARC's China Editor Jenny Chan and discussed how the luggage company is handling just about anything the China market throws at it –  with its ballistic-grade products and ‎with its thinking around recycling, personalization, and travel investments amid the ongoing pandemic.
17 June 2021 Yet another millennial-targeting, direct-to-consumer disrupter wannabe with cult-like followings…? Don’t brush them off. Legacy companies are taking notes as DTC brands seem to be outsmarting, outpacing, and outmaneuvering them. Jenny Chan, WARC’s China Editor, ruminates about their moves in this Spotlight series.
14 December 2020 From Coach’s purportedly “tasteless” campaign with Jeremy Lin to Balenciaga’s retro creative work dubbed as “tacky and offensive” – it seems like brands (luxury, in particular) just can’t do right in China, or are we too biased? WARC's China Editor, Jenny Chan, introduces a deep-dive into the insights you need to know.
07 December 2020 The Danish brewer and its subsidiaries have  benefited from relaxed social distancing measures, the rise of health consciousness, and the return of eating out and nightlife. Andrew Khan, Vice President & CMO at Carlsberg Group China, speaks to WARC’s Jenny Chan for the Marketer’s Toolkit 2021 about the gradual normalisation of operations and the importance of investing in your brand's share of voice during difficult times.
07 December 2020 WARC Marketer’s Toolkit作为集合未来营销趋势和前瞻洞察的报告,一直致力于为CMO们来年的工作重心做出指引。在连续出版九年后,2020年WARC推出首部中国版报告,即《营销达人攻关册2021》,尤其是结合疫情所带来的经济动荡以及全社会所面临的其他国际、国内挑战的大环境,从STEPIC的六个主题——社会、技术、经济、政策、行业和创意的角度,以实效营销为主旨,为来年营销人的工作进行梳理并预测最先进的行动指南。 为丰富《营销达人攻关册2021》的专业性和实操性,我们在报告的制作过程中对中国市场上的众多主流品牌的营销执行官展开了系列深度采访。他们均在本报告中贡献了独特的见解和内容。WARC网站现将该系列采访的完整内容逐一呈现,让读者更方便地跟随每位受访专家的思路,感知每个品牌的成长历程。 葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline,简称GSK)和辉瑞(Pfizer)在2019年8月1号全球进行整合,成立新的全球领先的消费保健品合资公司,GSK持有68%的控股权,辉瑞则持有32%的股份。新合资公司将两家公司的高度互补的消费保健品牌组合在一起,其中包括GSK消费保健品的芬必得、舒适达、扶他林、百多邦、辅舒良、保丽净、新康泰克、兰美抒,以及辉瑞健康药物的善存、钙尔奇、千林、惠菲宁、Imedeen、Emergen-C。葛兰素史克消费保健品大中华区首席营销官陈静(Mandy
03 December 2020 WARC Marketer’s Toolkit作为集合未来营销趋势和前瞻洞察的报告,一直致力于为CMO们来年的工作重心做出指引。在连续出版九年后,2020年WARC推出首部中国版报告,即《营销达人攻关册2021》,尤其是结合疫情所带来的经济动荡以及全社会所面临的其他国际、国内挑战的大环境,从STEPIC的六个主题——社会、技术、经济、政策、行业和创意的角度,以实效营销为主旨,为来年营销人的工作进行梳理并预测最先进的行动指南。 为丰富《营销达人攻关册2021》的专业性和实操性,我们在报告的制作过程中对中国市场上的众多主流品牌的营销执行官展开了系列深度采访。他们均在本报告中贡献了独特的见解和内容。WARC网站现将该系列采访的完整内容逐一呈现,让读者更方便地跟随每位受访专家的思路,感知每个品牌的成长历程。
01 December 2020 WARC Marketer’s Toolkit作为集合未来营销趋势和前瞻洞察的报告,一直致力于为CMO们来年的工作重心做出指引。在连续出版九年后,2020年WARC推出首部中国版报告,即《营销达人攻关册2021》,尤其是结合疫情所带来的经济动荡以及全社会所面临的其他国际、国内挑战的大环境,从STEPIC的六个主题——社会、技术、经济、政策、行业和创意的角度,以实效营销为主旨,为来年营销人的工作进行梳理并预测最先进的行动指南。 为丰富《营销达人攻关册2021》的专业性和实操性,我们在报告的制作过程中对中国市场上的众多主流品牌的营销执行官展开了系列深度采访。他们均在本报告中贡献了独特的见解和内容。WARC网站现将该系列采访的完整内容逐一呈现,让读者更方便地跟随每位受访专家的思路,感知每个品牌的成长历程。 综合性知识内容平台知乎当年以知识性问答的模式横空出世,成为炙手可热的新型社交平台。如今迎来十周年,知乎作为那个有趣的、出圈的社区,在商业化的道路上开始做更深入的探索。知乎的副总裁高强(Steven Gao,下图)喜欢从大的行业角度去思考如何通过内容价值的沉淀去助力品牌实现商业增长。在中国人口红利、流量红利已经到了天花板的时代,内容营销再度受到推崇,内容建设与商业结合的模式,为品牌沉淀口碑与认知度,这是下一个篇章中品牌们在解决如何活得好的问题当中需要考虑的事。
18 November 2020 WARC Marketer’s Toolkit作为集合未来营销趋势和前瞻洞察的报告,一直致力于为CMO们来年的工作重心做出指引。在连续出版九年后,2020年WARC推出首部中国版报告,即《营销达人攻关册2021》,尤其是结合疫情所带来的经济动荡以及全社会所面临的其他国际、国内挑战的大环境,从STEPIC的六个主题——社会、技术、经济、政策、行业和创意的角度,以实效营销为主旨,为来年营销人的工作进行梳理并预测最先进的行动指南。 为丰富《营销达人攻关册2021》的专业性和实操性,我们在报告的制作过程中对中国市场上的众多主流品牌的营销执行官展开了系列深度采访。他们均在本报告中贡献了独特的见解和内容。WARC网站现将该系列采访的完整内容逐一呈现,让读者更方便地跟随每位受访专家的思路,感知每个品牌的成长历程。 洲际酒店集团(InterContinental Hotels Group)是最早入驻中国的国际酒店集团之一,在华发展三十余载,通过不同档次、针对不同受众需求的子品牌组合,让将近500家开业酒店足迹遍及中国百余城市。并且,IHG仍在继续探索贴近用户、开拓品牌特色的方法,勇敢地在营销布局上进行尝试,让它保持成为中国酒店及旅游出行业当中举足轻重的品牌。IHG还是唯一设立了大中华区的国际酒店集团,出身于本土的CMO王蔺(下图)与同样具有中国本地市场深厚积淀的IHG全球营销高层,保持与行业发展变化同样的步伐,以年轻的姿态服务这里的消费者。
18 November 2020 WARC Marketer’s Toolkit作为集合未来营销趋势和前瞻洞察的报告,一直致力于为CMO们来年的工作重心做出指引。在连续出版九年后,2020年WARC推出首部中国版报告,即《营销达人攻关册2021》,尤其是结合疫情所带来的经济动荡以及全社会所面临的其他国际、国内挑战的大环境,从STEPIC的六个主题——社会、技术、经济、政策、行业和创意的角度,以实效营销为主旨,为来年营销人的工作进行梳理并预测最先进的行动指南。 为丰富《营销达人攻关册2021》的专业性和实操性,我们在报告的制作过程中对中国市场上的众多主流品牌的营销执行官展开了系列深度采访。他们均在本报告中贡献了独特的见解和内容。WARC网站现将该系列采访的完整内容逐一呈现,让读者更方便地跟随每位受访专家的思路,感知每个品牌的成长历程。 亿滋中国旗下的奥利奥品牌,源自海外,却已经成为深受中国消费者喜爱的饼干品牌。最近两年,它用10600块饼干搭建故宫模型、推出新奇本土口味饼干等潮流营销吸足了眼球。但不论在包装、创意、新品方面如何迭代,奥利奥仍然保持联系消费者、传递他们喜欢的故事的那颗营销初心。最近,亿滋全球揭开营销的下一个篇章,宣布转向以消费者为中心的策略。虽然在国际上人们认为这种人文关怀式的营销被谈论得过多了,但CMO Martin
16 November 2020 As one of the key players in the digital transformation space, IBM has adapted quickly to the new demands and needs of its COVID-impacted customers. Gill Zhou ( Chief Marketing Officer of Asia Pacific, Chief Marketing Officer and General Manager of Digital Sales for Greater China)  speaks to WARC’s Jenny Chan for the Marketer’s Toolkit 2021 about being agile in a crisis, delivering digital experiences and the importance of presence and empathy in marketing.
12 November 2020 WARC Marketer’s Toolkit作为集合未来营销趋势和前瞻洞察的报告,一直致力于为CMO们来年的工作重心做出指引。在连续出版九年后,2020年WARC推出首部中国版报告,即《营销达人攻关册2021》,尤其是结合疫情所带来的经济动荡以及全社会所面临的其他国际、国内挑战的大环境,从STEPIC的六个主题——社会、技术、经济、政策、行业和创意的角度,以实效营销为主旨,为来年营销人的工作进行梳理并预测最先进的行动指南。
11 November 2020 Hangzhou Wahaha Group is a brand leader in China’s food and beverage industry. Cheng Gong, Deputy Director of Branding and Public Relations, speaks to WARC’s Jenny Chan for the Marketer’s Toolkit 2021 about China's health wave and reflecting how Wahaha (which means “laughing children” in Chinese) is catering to the changing habits of younger consumers while maintaining brand growth.
09 November 2020 Volkswagen’s popularity, reputation, and long-term leadership in China’s passenger car market was achieved with powerful first-mover advantages. Volkswagen’s Head of Brand Project House, Kuo-Hi Lee, speaks to WARC’s Jenny Chan for Marketer’s Toolkit 2021 about how the brand steered itself back on track in China after the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic.
04 November 2020 WARC Marketer’s Toolkit作为集合未来营销趋势和前瞻洞察的报告,一直致力于为CMO们来年的工作重心做出指引。在连续出版九年后,2020年WARC推出首部中国版报告,即《营销达人攻关册2021》,尤其是结合疫情所带来的经济动荡以及全社会所面临的其他国际、国内挑战的大环境,从STEPIC的六个主题——社会、技术、经济、政策、行业和创意的角度,以实效营销为主旨,为来年营销人的工作进行梳理并预测最先进的行动指南。 为丰富《营销达人攻关册2021》的专业性和实操性,我们在报告的制作过程中对中国市场上的众多主流品牌的营销执行官展开了系列深度采访。他们均在本报告中贡献了独特的见解和内容。WARC网站现将该系列采访的完整内容逐一呈现,让读者更方便地跟随每位受访专家的思路,感知每个品牌的成长历程。 小米作为消费者最喜爱的品牌之一,不仅拥有今年双十一期间突破十亿元的成交额,还有为各品牌客户们打造的营销场景。在终端硬件发展越来越快、国内市场越来越细化的情况下,小米不断倒逼自己进行革新,用广泛的产品,在注重体验的前提下帮助品牌触达消费者。陈高铭(下图)从负责小米广告和商业业务的角度,强调未来融合科技和场景化营销的前景,在这个过程中,从营销人自身,到提供商、第三方等等,还有很多是需要整个行业链条上的各个参与方去做的。其中,推动一定规范和标准的建立,能够帮助整个行业更加健康良性地发展,也就能够进一步助力小米品牌的建设工程。
01 November 2020 如果你正在考虑参加WARC策略大奖,或WARC的任何免费参赛的案例比赛,你可能觉得一个具有突破性的作品是你所需要的全部。但你同样也需要一个在参赛文件的书写上抓住评委注意。我们整理了一些技巧招数,帮助你的案例脱颖而出、获得认可。 第一印象很重要  
01 November 2020 As an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, Szu-chi Huang's research expertise is customer motivation and self-regulation in social settings. She was named as one of the Best 40 Under 40 Professors in 2017, and received the Society for Consumer Psychology's Early Career Award in 2020. Prof Huang (pictured below) speaks to WARC’s Jenny Chan for the Marketer’s Toolkit 2021 about how the generation that grows up during today's pandemic times will have very different expectations, goals and pursuits from the generations before them. 
21 May 2020 Under the economic blow brought by the epidemic, and also encouraged by the new consumption and business models brought about by the epidemic, the National Development and Reform Commission’s " Digital Transformation Partner Action " was finally launched recently, bringing together 17 departments and 145 units including Internet platforms, industry leading companies, and financial institutions to help small and micro enterprises in various industries such as agriculture, industry, and commerce to overcome difficulties and transform and develop. By jointly building a linkage mechanism of "government guidance - platform empowerment - leading leadership - institutional support -